About Cameron Bagg

Cameron Bagg had his first paranormal experience back in 1988. He spent 2 years trying to rationalize strange happenings until he had his EUREKA! moment and realised he was sharing space with a ghost.

Growing up in the greater Toronto area, ghosts were not a subject at the dinner table. It wasn't a taboo subject, just no one in the home had experienced a ghost or spirit and the subject never came up.

In 1988, he moved into his wife's apartment to start their new life. He didn't think it strange when the missus mentioned her stereo would often turn on at weird hours.

But it was in the evenings and at bed time, he would experience feelings of being watched or stared at. Brushing this off as feeling a little paranoid or simply not used to the busier street traffic below, he tried to remain focused on work life and a new baby on the way. 

Strange phenomena continued, actually increased. The feeling of being watched was even in the shower. Then there was something new happening...Through the night, sometime between 1am and 5am, he would hear dishes rattling in the kitchen sink, or a cup being placed upon a marble coffee table. Startled and even feeling threatened, he would proceed down the hall to investigate and find nothing disturbed and no one there. These noises would occur semi-regularly through the week. 

He put these events down as a trick of the mind. Even one day when he became aware that a baby bottle apported from the floor to tabletop in an instant.

His EUREKA moment came when one afternoon his visiting, young niece and himself were returning to the empty apartment. As they entered, a woman's voice was heard calling out "Cam?!" 

He originally dismissed it as hearing things. Then his niece says, "Uncle Cam, someone just called you." 

Now things were starting to make sense, "I have a ghost!" He thought.

Deciding to investigate a bit, he learned an older couple lived in the unit previously and the elderly man passed away in a care facility. He also discovered the woman passed away in the kitchen of either a stroke or heart attack...

Back in 1990 this solved the matter, but soon he was to move.

On his last day in the building he was loading his vehicle at the back of the building. It was quiet, but he had the sense of being stared at and turned. There was a little old lady just watching him. She wore a grey tweed coat that had pastel little flower buds. The mystery woman quietly moved on into the hallway. It was a small building and not recognizing the woman, he decided to see where she was going, but following her to the hall, she had disappeared. To this day, he believes she was his first ghost.

Now armed with a little knowledge he went off to investigate as many haunted restaurants, hotels and private homes as he could. All investigations were done on a volunteer basis as a means to gain quick access to haunt scenes and learn more.

Since then he has investigated over a thousand haunt scenes, assisted with over a hundred clearings, hosted three seasons of the HAUNTLINE television program, conducted live workshops and seminars to share his photographic evidence collected to prove ghosts are real.

His dedication to developing ghost hunting skills and techniques sets him apart, making him a go-to resource for those seeking to explore the mysteries beyond our realm.

Ready to explore the unknown?

Contact Cameron Bagg today to schedule a ghost photography workshop or paranormal investigation consultation.